Miami to Key West, Florida!
November 13 - 24, 2024​

​December 3, 2024
9:12 a.m.
Emma and Dan’s Walk to Key West for Marc Key West
Nine days of walking.
109 miles.
40 hours of driving.
Incredible joy and fun!!
We made it back to Erie, Pa. just in time for 50 inches of snow. We went from sunny and warm to cold and snowy.
We appreciate all of the support, followers, and friendship we received along the way. It was a great experience which already has us looking forward to our next walk.
Thanks to:
Grassy Flats Resort & Beach Club
for their generous donations of housing.
Jane Brady and Tom Rooney for crewing us!
All of the people we met
“on the road.”
Thanks to all of you that made a donation to Marc!
And a final thanks to Becki and all
of the Marc peeps for allowing us to walk for you guys!
I hope we can stay in touch!
Stay tuned here for our next adventure which is in the planning stages now. We are considering two states that begin with the letter M for our next walk in June!
Also one last plug to donate and support Marc!
See link below.
November 22, 2024
6:26 a.m.
Emma and Dan’s Walk to Key West
108 miles behind us!
For Marc Key West
We had a fantastic final day of walking, strolling eight miles around Key West.
We officially ended at mile marker 00 and did our traditional high five that signifies our journeys end. We continued down the road to the Southern Most Point marker and then onto meet the folks at MARC House.
We were greeted with smiles and high fives by staff and clients. We were very appreciative of the the lunch they had prepared and also the tour we received.
The Marc folks do great work in the Keys community and live full, productive lives. They are supported by a wonderful and committed staff.
Emma and I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed spending time there.
We will do a full wrap up including many thank yous next week.
Until then please do consider supporting the folks at MARC!
November 20, 2024
6:31 p.m.
Emma and Dan’s Walk to Key West
Day 8
We flew through our miles this morning with zero stops or conversations with locals as we didn’t bump into anyone.
We then road the seven miles into KW and spent some time on Duval St. and had a blast.
We met #eimgracemusic who sang a song for Emma.
We did keep the celebration to a minimum as we officially finish tomorrow.
If anyone one is interested we plan on making the Southernmost Point of the Usa marker otherwise by 11am.
We have had a fantastic walk and while we had to divert at the start from our original plan, we will have completed 108 miles from Key Largo to Key West.
Emma took numerous naps today as the pictures will show. She bounced back to have a great day.
A little trivia question in one of the pictures below, check it out. First to answer will get a Keys t shirt.
Please consider supporting Marc. Link below, days are running out to donate.
November 13, 2024
6:02 p.m.
Day 1 Finally the KEYS!!
We made it!!
Twelve miles and a lot of adjustments.
We picked up our crew
(Tom Rooney) at the Fort Lauderdale Airport and headed south.
We hoped to start in Homestead but the road wasn’t walkable. Always safety first, we picked up at mile marker 108 in Key Largo and headed south walking close to twelve miles.
As with all of our walks we are disappointed when we have to change plans and do less miles but we will hopefully cover the 108 miles to KW… weather permitting.
Along the way today we met numerous locals and listened to great music including of course Jimmy Buffett.
The Keys are spectacular and we are going to bed excited about tomorrow’s walk. More and better pics tomorrow!
Remember we are walking for Marc Key West. Please consider a donation. Link below.​​​

November 12, 2024
6:34 p.m.
We made it!!!
A very long, arduous, and fun road trip to Miami is completed! Now the fun begins. We unofficially started our walk today, I say unofficially because our crew arrives tomorrow. The first crew member is long time friend Tom Rooney. Tom flies in from NY tomorrow and we begin “officially” in Homestead hopefully by 1pm.
As many of you have followed our walks over the past decade you know that we truly enjoy what we do. The behind the scenes work to make the “operation” to work requires a lot of support, finding of places to stay, ( some donated) finding the route and mileage, a long drive to get the starting line and of course hoping for good weather. With all of details in place we now get to finally walk!!! It truly is what we love. The work starts months in advance and we will be introducing you to all of the people that make our walks work over the next 11 days. Stay Tuned!
Today we rolled through Miami Beach on a very hot day. We met some awesome folks and got some decent miles in, 10 that we will count towards Key West!
Finally, please, please, please, consider a donation to Marc, link below, be sure to click on campaigns and look for Emma and Dan. To learn out more about here is the fb page Marc Key West.
You can follow along here or on our website.
It promises to be an epic walk, Key West here we come!
Consider a donation today.

We Crossed the Mackinac Bridge!
Michigan to conquer the Mighty Mac!! We had a wonderful weekend in Mackinaw City and topped it off with the five mile walk across the Mackinac Bridge. The bridge is open to walkers on Labor Day. The pictures tell the story.
Emma will have a big announcement this week along with a name change for this page to correspond with our next walk this November!! Stay tuned.

We Conquered Mount Washington!
What a fantastic day and experience for us!!!
We conquered the 7.6 mile Mount Washington Auto Road. One of our very best and challenging walking days in the 10 years we have been traveling the US doing this.
Our small crew of Emma, Tom Rooney, (friend from our NY days) and a very excited and focused Jane Brady pushed off at 3:15am. We were met right away with steep grades which only got steeper as we pushed our way in the dark. About 2.5 miles in we were greeted with a spectacular sunrise, see pictures. We also quickly figured out we were probably under crewed. Of the 10 athletes walking, Emma’s crew was the smallest. This was remedied thankfully around mile 5 by some Notheastern students who helped us through the final 2.5 miles. As word spread down the mountain of our small crew (the three of us)they left their athlete down hill and ran up and joined us, helping us push Emma to the summitt. Once they finished with our group they ran down the mountain to catch back up with their athlete. Thanks guys!!!
This walk was very difficult and hats off to Jane for pushing to the top!!!
Thanks to Adaptive Sports Partners for putting in a great event for the 10 athletes and their crews!!!!! The pictures are spectacular and are worth a good look. We started in the dark and finishing in the daylight. Five plus hours!
And finally please, please, please do consider a small….or large donation by using the link below!!
Stay tuned this week to hear about Emma’s next adventure coming labor day weekend!!

For more information or to donate:

Emma and Dan’s Presque Isle Challenge

JUNE 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024
June 30, 2024 8:02 p.m.: A big thanks to everyone from Emma and I who walked with us, followed our story, shared our story, and donated to one of the six organizations. A huge thanks to all six organizations who all spent time walking with us and made a tremendous effort to make Emma and I feel special.
We look forward to our walks and both love each day we are able to get out there. A special thanks to Jane Brady who “encouraged us” to stay local this June.
Stay tuned Tuesday as this page will change to represent our next walk. We are very excited to head to New England for a really special and challenging experience on July 27th.
Finally, below are the links to donate to all six organizations.
Voices For Independence
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Pennsylvania & Southern W Virginia
The Arc of Erie
Special Olympics Pennsylvania
Erie Homes for Children and Adults, Inc. (EHCA) MOVE

Grass Roots Garden 15k - Niagara Falls

May 18, 2024
This past Saturday, we competed in the Grass Roots 15k along the Niagara River onto Goat Island, and past Niagara Falls. Great weather and a happy Emma made this a fun day. Looking forward to our next outing. Next up: Buffalo Half Marathon on Sunday, May 26, 2024. Follow along for more updates!
A Great Weekend in NYC

May 5, 2024 at 9:37 p.m.
A great weekend in NYC as we traveled out to attempt the Great Saunter! A 32 mile one day walk around the great island of Manhattan. We ambled our way up the westside with the Hudson River on our left, under the George Washington Bridge, through Inwood Park, down through the streets of Harlem and finally down the eastside finishing in around eleven hours. We met tons of great people from all over the world and received great support from the wonderful people of Shorewalkers Inc. A special shoutout to Jane Brady who flew out Saturday morning and met us at the halfway point and covered 16 miles with us. Also hometown, Valhalla NY friend Tom Rooney who walked the first 16 with us.
And a final shoutout to our new friends Mary and Missy who befriended Emma and I and helped keep Emma company on Friday.
This is a very special event that Emma and I will certainly do again soon!!
Next up is our annual summer walk beginning June 1, 2024. (Emma and Dan's Presque Isle Challenge) see below.
We are getting ready for our first big Spring 2024 event. We will be walking in the Great Saunter in NYC on May 4th. Stay tuned here for pictures and updates. To learn more about this wonderful event use the link below.